3C Methodology - imustudy Learning Process

3C  Methodology defines imustudy approach that we take towards learning process. It has been devised to ensure continual learning. We have formulated  it so that the students study, learn and improve continually.  During this process, our mentors help the students grow and show them the path. 

Improvement, driven by 3C methodology starts a journey which helps us build a successful and confident scholar out of our students  We believe that every student has potential to be a great scholar. We can do that by adopting right approach, help and guidance. 

  •                                                        What is 3C Methodology?

Our approach of guiding our students has been framed on 3Cs:.


Hard work has no substitute. Students need to study  regularly to maintain momentum. Further to that, they need to do timely revision of concepts to ensure memorizing as well as recollection.

Our courses help students maintain focus and be continual in their approach.Hard work has n


Students need to understand concepts and thereafter commit  it to memory. That happens when students test the theory and thereafter apply it n practice.  At the end of a chapter, students must test their understanding by answering relevant questions.

Our assignments provide opportunity to test what they learnt in that module


Our mentors provide constructive feedback help students, which helps find  the areas of improvement. Once implemented and validated by mentors, it evolves students into an improved, better and confident version of self. Mentors 

Our mentors provide constructive feedback to help their mentees grow in confidence.

Our Approach

Being mentors of global student diaspora, we understand the needs of our students driven by their academic pursuits. At the same time we are exposed to the best of teaching methods adopted across the globe. 

We bring the best practices from across the globe for our students. Our mentors encourage collaboration of old methods of learning like self study with the use of latest technology, methodologies and content. Technology is used as a tool to enhance thinking process, adaptive learning and invoke curiosity. The students are given space to practice and learn on their own, with the helping hands of the mentors. We intend to nurture tomorrow’s thought leaders rather than mere a body of information and knowledge.   

Following are the components of our learning process: 

Online Classes

We take in our mentors from different parts of the country. Being in diverse geography, they connect with the students online through our online class platform. 

We offer 12 classes per month per subject to the students. During the live classes, students are encouraged to ask questions, discuss ideas and explore solutions. 


Self Study

Live classes are supplemented by student material published on and shared through our portal. The study modules are divided into smaller sub modules for quick understanding and ease of flow. 

The study materials have a mix of text, pictures and other relevant resources like videos, reference material etc to enhance students’ learning.


We provide assignments to the students to help them gauge their learning and to assure revision. These assignments contain a potpourri of questions ranging from multiple choice questions (MCQ) to subjective ones. As a result, Students reap benefits of this mix to make balance between knowledge and presentation.

Growth Oriented Evaluation

We understand that job of a mentor is not merely to check right or wrong answers. We firmly believe that even the right answers have scope for improvement. Our mentors provide constructive feedback to the students ensuring they improve quality of answers. Improvement can be in terms of content as well as presentation or writing skills

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